PGS. TS. Đỗ Phương Liên
Giảng viên cao cấp, Bộ môn Vật lý lý thuyết
Cử nhân, Tiến sĩ
Email: lien.dophuong@hust.edu.vn
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- Vật lý mô phỏng
Các nghiên cứu quan tâm
- Vật lý mô phỏng
Giới thiệu
Các công trình khoa học tiêu biểu
- Do Phuong L, Nguyen Manh D, Pasturel A, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 5 (1993) 1901-1918.Effects of s-d hybridization on interatomic pair potentials of the 3d liquid transition metals.
- Do Phuong L, Nguyen Manh D, Pasturel A, Phys. Rev. Lett. 71 (1993) 372-375. Microscopic Approach to the Structure of Liquid Al20Mn80 and Al80Mn20 Alloys.
- Do Phuong L, Nguyen Manh D, Pasturel A, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 6 (1994) 2853-2860. Molecular dynamics of topological and chemical orders in liquid Al1-xMnx alloys.
- Do Phuong L, Nguyen Manh D, Pasturel A, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 5 (1993) L381-L386. Interatomic forces and atomic structure of liquid Al80Mn20 alloys.
- Do Phuong Lien, Communications in Phys., 6, (1996) 45. Interatomic forces and atomic structure of amorphous Ni40Ti60 alloy.
- Do Phuong L, Pasturel A, Proceedings of the 22 nd National Conference on Physics Theoretical, Do son August 1997) p. 156-160. Bond angle distribution in the amorphous Ni40Ti60 alloy.
- Chu toan Thang, Do Phuong L and Nguyen Duc Chien, Proceedings of the 2 nd International Workshop on materials Science (WOMS’95), Hanoi Oct !995. page 203-206. A PC programme for process and device simulation.
- Do Phuong L, Nguyen Manh D, Pasturel A, Molecular Simulation Vol 20 (1997) pp79-94, OPA (Overseas Publisher Association). The structural and electronic properties of liquid alluminium-transition metal alloys.
- Nguyen Duc Chien, Do Phuong Lien and Ta Quoc Tuan, Proceedings of the 23 rd National Conference on Physics Theoretical, Ho Chi Minh City , August 1998). Modeling of quantization effects in heavily-doped silicon MOSFETs.
- Do Phuong Lien and Nguyen Duc Chien, Communications in Phys, Vol 8, (1998) p202-209. Modeling of the inversion layer in sub-micron MOSFETs.
- Nguyen Duc Chien, Do Phuong L and Ta Quoc Tuan, Proceedings of the 3 nd International Workshop on materials Science (WOMS’99), Hanoi Nov !999. page 849-852. An improved model for I-V characteristics of MOSFETs.
- Nguyen Duc Chien, Do Phuong L and Nguyen Huu Lam, Proceedings of the 3 nd International Workshop on materials Science (WOMS’99), Hanoi Nov !999. page 246-249. An analytical model for the drain current of short-channel MOSFETs.
- Do Phuong Lien, Pasturel Alain, Journal of Science & Technology, N ° 29/2001. The structural and electronic properties of Ni 33Y 67 and Fe 35Y 65 amorphous transition metal alloys.
- Do Phuong Lien, Pasturel Alain, “ Communication in Physics”, Volume 13, Number 2, 2003(86-92). Systematic study of atomic structures of MT xY 1-x (MT=Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu) amorphous alloys by Molecular Dynamic Simulations.
- Do Phuong Lien and Nguyen Duc Chien , published in “Journal of Science & Technology ”, số 46+47/2004. Simulation of gas sensor based on nano-structured semiconductors.
- Do Phuong Lien and Nguyen Duc Chien , published in “ Communication in Physics”, đã in 2003, sẽ thông báo cụ thể sau. Simulation of thin film sensor behaviors in oxygen atmosphere.
- Do Phuong Lien and Nguyen Duc Chien , published in “Journal of Science & Technology ”. Ảnh hưởng của sự khuếch tán khí lên các tính chất chuyển tiếp của màng mỏng SnO2 nhạy khí cấu chúc nano.
- Do Phuong Lien and Nguyen Duc Chien , published in “ Communication in Physics”, đã in năm 2004. Study of gas-diffusion in S nO 2 gas sensing thin film.
Giảng dạy
- TN Vật lý (KS CLC)
- PH1014 Vật lý I
- PH1024 Vật lý II
- PH2034 Cơ học vật rắn và sóng cơ
- PH3010 Phương pháp toán cho vật lý