Did you know?
- Year of establishment: 1985
- Number of Department: 6
- Number of staff: 82 Administrative staff; 100+ Academic staff and technicians
- Number of key laboratories: 1
- 3 Academic Programs
- 3 Masters’ Programs
- 3 Doctoral Programs
- 1 Talented Engineering Programs
- Current undergraduate students: 650 (July 2021)
- Current graduate students: 30 (July 2021)
- Admission in 2020: ~180 undergraduates; ~15 graduates
- Impactful research groups: 5+
- Research projects: ~20
- Research fund: US $20000
- Publications in 2020: 150+ (including 100 Scopus and ISI Publications)
- Licensed patents and utility solutions: 5
- Published textbooks: 10
(Last updated: July 2021)