- Head of Department: Assoc. Prof. Đặng Đức Vượng
- Vice-Head of Department: Dr. Nguyễn Công Tú
- Office Address: Room 211, C9 Bulding, HUST Campus
- Tel: (+84) 024 38 69 22 23
Department of Electronic Materials (DEM) – Precursor is the Department of Solids Physics, founded in 1970 by Prof. Vũ Đình Cự is the first Head of the Department.
DEM has the function of teaching students specialized in Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology. Besides, officials of DEM also participate in teaching General Physics for students of the whole school, training Engineers of programs such as talented engineers, advanced programs, participating in Master and Doctor training. Many documents and syllabus for university training have been compiled by officials of DEM.
Hình 1. Staffs of Department of Electronic Materials
About scientific research, DEM has undertaken many research topics at all levels. Typically, the subjects led by officials of DEM such as: GK1 topic on magnetic bomb destruction, research on manufacturing thin films of Prof. Vu Dinh Cu, topic on structural analysis of Assoc. Prof. Nguyễn Xuân Chánh, Research project on application of Electrostatic Photography and Electrostatic Ranging of Prof. Phùng Hồ, research project of solar applications of Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Cong Van… Many topics have had applications in life and made important contributions during the anti-American and national construction periods.
With the motto: “Combining training with scientific research, building facilities and self-training”, up to now, the Department has been equipped with a number of modern equipment for training and scientific research. DEM has trained over 500 specialized engineers. Many have now become managers, researchers, lecturers, and engineers working at research institutions or businesses. With these results, DEM was honored to receive the Third-class Labor Medal awarded by the President.
Process established
- Founded in 1970 with the name of Department of Solid Physics
- In 1996, it was renamed the Department of Physics and Electronic Materials Technology
- In 2004, it was renamed the Department of Electronic Materials
Reward achievements
- 1 Third-class Labor Medal in 2000 awarded to the DEM
- 2 Third-class Labor Medal awarded to 2 members of the Department
- 6 Merit of Ministry of Education, 5 Medals, Medal of Resistance
- 1 Merit of the Prime Minister, 3 Merit of Creative Labor
- 2 Meritorious Teachers, 4 Medals for Education